• bullockinclusion@gmail.com
  • London, UK
Photos: Dani Luquini

People with disabilities: 15% of the world

Are you including?

Bullock Inclusion is a CIC (Community Interesting Company) that is benefitting community through:


Sports and
physical activities

Be part of our community and share our values with us: cultural diversity, universal language and understanding and acting through inclusive projects to aim all people.

During the project, we have explored the concept of self-acceptance and body image which gave diversity some thought and a bit of plurality. We saw at the London Fashion Week catwalks with different bodies in pieces of clothing that respect and represent them — in personality and individuality. Fashion is a tool that we want to use to voice a need for universal designs when thinking about adaptations that are for all.

A challenge that happened on social media and that seeks to expand representation in fashion by extending the #VogueChallenge: why not make diversity reach magazine covers? We reached more than 2 million impressions, were cover of London Runway Magazine and, at the end, we created an e-book with all the participants to spread the message and support inclusion and representation in fashion world.

London Represents Fashion Show feature models with their enriching differences for our catwalk - during London Fashion Week. At 2022 edition, we presented 12 energing designers with their latest collection to an audience of 300 fashion-forward guests and members of the press. On Instagram, we created the #irepresent challenge, to show a virtual fashion show with people with disabilities all over the world.

The students will have full support of our Adaptive Fashion Consultant, founder of Bullock Inclusion and SB Shop Samanta Bullock from creative process to fittings. 10 days direct interaction between students and Samanta and her team that covers from creation process to catwalk.

The impact

"We need to be
seen to exist"

Diversity, representation, empowerment, autonomy, self-acceptance, equality. All these themes converge into inclusion.


We're breaking the invisibility cycle where the disabled person
is not seen.


We're working through tools that has a lot of potential for self-esteem.

About inclusion

What people are saying?

Laura Brandt


I had never seen, since I was a child, a person like me being represented. I, for example, did not have a photo with my crutches because of my insecurity, but when I saw this happen, I was able to feel free to be who I am.

Ash Tooray


Everyone is beautiful and no one should ever feel alone. Growing up I felt alone not seeing women like me in the media, magazines and movies. We need to be inclusive, for me my scars tell a story and I want others to know it's ok not to be like everyone else. Be the beautiful soul you are as my quote is "beauty is not skin deep, it's soul deep".

Yophine Kimwanga


The SB Challenge changed my life ever, forever. It was so powerful to me and, you know, when I was a little girl, I always love fashion. Fashion give me the power to say who I am, give me more confidence and my disability does not define me. And I did it because it impacts me and
fashion is for the whole.

It defines our purpose.

We’ve been sharing our values with

Contact us

Let's create a more inclusive world together!